How The Process Works
To explore further, please reach us at (804) 877-3955 or complete our user-friendly online form. Once we have the necessary information, we’ll be able to generate a personalized offer tailored to your specific needs.
Our team will schedule a meeting at your property to address any inquiries you may have. Following our discussion, we will present you with your personalized offer.
If you choose to accept our offer, we’ll proceed to close the deal at a trusted local title company on a date of your preference. Our streamlined process is designed to be exceptionally straightforward.
Timeframe: Upon receiving your information, we typically provide a fair offer within 24 hours. After that, we can close the transaction as swiftly as seven days or accommodate a timeline that suits your convenience.
Curious about what happens behind the scenes at Fair Value Home Buyers?
Before making any decisions regarding your property, we recommend gaining a deeper insight into your available options.
Let us shed light on the complete process, guiding you through each step from beginning to end. Read on to gain a comprehensive understanding of how our seamless procedure operates.
Fair Value Home Buyers Here To Help You
We understand this is a significant decision, and you may have questions like, “How does it work?” or “Will I receive a fair price?”. Unlike other companies that offer over-the-phone valuations without visiting the property, we take the time to personally assess every property before making an offer.
Our commitment to honesty drives us to provide all essential information to our homeowners. Our primary goal is to ensure that you have the necessary details to make the best decision for yourself.
See what we can offer you for your home or property…
A Comprehensive Look at How It Works
Take the First Step: Get in Touch With Us About Your Property. By contacting us, you initiate the process of resolving your real estate challenges. We’ll discuss your home in detail, gathering information about its features and current condition. If it aligns with our buying criteria, we’ll schedule a convenient time to visit your property.
Booking Your Appointment: Once your appointment is scheduled, a member of our team will visit your property for a thorough walk-through, assessing any necessary repairs. Rest assured, and we’ll take care of all the repairs, requiring no effort from you. After our specialist completes the walk-through, you’ll receive your personalized offer. Remember, there’s no obligation to proceed.
Selecting Your Closing Date: Once you accept our offer, we’ll coordinate the closing at a trustworthy local title company. It’s a hassle-free process designed to work on your schedule, with us handling all the necessary details. On the closing day, we’ll sign all the required paperwork, and you’ll receive your money within hours. Rest assured and you won’t incur any fees or costs throughout the process.
Our Way Is Fast And Easy
Conventional methods can add unnecessary stress, especially if you’re pressed for time or facing challenging circumstances. The traditional approach demands significant investments in time and money, from listing expenses to potential repair and inspection costs.
We’re here to alleviate your real estate worries. Reach out to us anytime at (804) 877-3955 or complete our quick form below to take the first step toward receiving your personalized offer.